Sunday, March 4, 2012

We've Reached 20,000 Visits

When I first launched our class blog, I had no idea if people were reading.  I would post and sometimes hear back from people.  Usually not, though.  So, I posted away hoping that someone was reading.

That all changed in July 2009 -- the blog got analytics.  Now, we know how many times people view the blog and we have a rough idea of what posts they tend to click on.

Since, July, 2009, we have had people view the blog more than 20,000 times.  In the past three months, we have had more than 1,500 views a month, so we know people are interested in our reunion-related posts -- in fact, the top posts for the last few years are dominated by those related to reunion.  People also seem to like entries with video.

As for the countries in which our readers can be found, the list is interesting.  Most readers, by far, are in the US.  But, we have readers in the UK, Germany, Russia, Canada, France, The Ukraine and China.  We also have a cluster of readers in Slovenia, The Philippines and India.  Hope you can all visit us at reunion.

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