Thursday, October 3, 2013

How would you answer these questions?

One of the side effects of doing this blog, is that I get e-mails from all sorts of people. When not being asked to invest in Nigeria or helping a crown prince of some obscure nation liberate money from escrow (for a small processing fee), I often get very real inquiries.

Some time ago, a high school student in Virginia doing a paper on what it is like to go to an Ivy League college. Here are the questions the student posed:

  • Why did you choose Yale over any other schools you were considering?
  • What were your expectations going into Yale? Were they fulfilled? Would you do it again?
  • How has your education at Yale put you ahead of others in your career?
  • What did you receive at Yale that you do not think you would have received at a different college?
  • Are there any valuable experiences that you received at Yale that you do not believe you would have experienced anywhere else?

How would you answer these questions?

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