Monday, November 29, 2010
Andrew Imparato Appointed to Important Senate Post
“I am excited for this tremendous opportunity to work with Senator Harkin and a great policy team at the HELP Committee,” said Imparato. “I am sad to leave AAPD, but I am confident that the organization will continue to grow and thrive under the leadership of our Board Chair Tony Coelho and the talented Board and staff.”
Since joining AAPD as its first full-time President and CEO in 1999, Imparato has led the organization to become the nation’s largest cross-disability membership group with more than 100,000 members. Imparato has led AAPD’s efforts to create opportunities for youth and young adults with disabilities and personally invested time and energy in cultivating emerging leaders throughout the country. He has also applied his strong policy background to a number of bipartisan legislative and administrative initiatives in the last 11 years.
He has testified numerous times in the House and the Senate and been instrumental in the passage of significant pieces of legislation and policy initiatives focused on the disability community, including the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, the Community Living Attendant Services and Supports (CLASS) Act that was passed as part of the health reform legislation earlier this year, and the most recent passage of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act. Imparato has also worked closely with the Obama administration to fulfill the President’s commitment to federal employment of people with all kinds of disabilities through federal hiring initiatives. Imparato also served for four years on the bipartisan Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel to the Social Security Administration.
Imparato’s work at AAPD has been recognized by the Secretaries of Transportation and Health and Human Services, the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of the Deaf, the National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers, the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, and many others. He has appeared on national television multiple times, most recently being interviewed by Judy Woodruff on The Newshour with Jim Lehrer to discuss the significance of the 20th anniversary of the ADA.
Here are some clips of Andy in action:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Members of Class of 1987 Honored at AYA Assembly
This year, as the awards were passed out, it was hard to miss a trend . . . the Class of 1987 had a number of its members honored. So, here is the run down:
Darcy Troy Pollock was awarded with an AYA Leadership for her work with the Los Angeles Yale Communiity. Darcy’s father, Joe Troy ’60, instilled in her a passion for Yale – and Darcy honors her father with her alumni activities. Darcy has been active with Yale alumni activities since she graduated. In Los Angeles, she served on the board of the Yale club for many years, helped found Yale in Hollywood, and organized the LA area’s first two Day Of Service activities, winning the Yale Alumni Magazine’s DOS photo contest. Once she started raising a family, she noticed that most of the Yale Club’s activities were no longer relevant to her, so she decided to organize family friendly programs. She started with the 2009 Day of Service by organizing a family friendly project with P.S. Arts, re-painting a mural that was vandalized and putting together art packets for students saving the school significant fees. This was followed by starting Yale Family LA, a tremendously successful program of the club with signature programs including the Silent Cinema, Magic Castle, Skirball’s Noah's Ark exhibit, family singing group concerts and family service projects. Darcy is continuing her work with Yale Family LA as well as organizing a benefit concert with a celebrity and the Yale Whiffenpoofs and sustainability programs for alumni.
Four classmates -- Kathy Edersheim, Matt Meade, Jordan Warshaw and Tim Harkness -- had the activities they run honored with AYA Board of Governors Excellence Awards.
The Yale Global Alumni Leadership Exchange (YaleGALE), which Kathy Edersheim has been instrumental in leading, won the Outstanding SIG Volunteer Engagement and Leadership Award. For more information about YaleGALE, please visit its website at It is truly an impressive undertaking.
The Yale Club of Pittsburgh received that Outstanding Small Cities Award, which Matt Meade accepted on behalf of the club.
Finally, our very own Feb Club Emeritus was recognized as this year's recipient of the Outstanding Collaboration Award.
If you click on the headline for this post, you can see the pictures from the event honoring our classmates and the other award recipients.
Monday, November 1, 2010
News from Steven Conn
I've been in the history department at Ohio State since I finished grad school lo' these many years ago. In between professional obligations, I write op-eds pretty regularly for newspapers around the country. Writing them is cheaper than therapy. I live in the tiny but remarkably funky village of Yellow Springs with my wife Angela (Professor of Russian Lit, Rice '87) and our two extraordinary kids, Olivia and Zack.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
An immigration article from Mike Wishnie
This summer, Arizona's efforts to implement a controversial new local immigration statute fueled passions and mobilized all sides of the immigration debate. For the moment, the law remains in limbo after the United States filed suit and the U.S. District Court enjoined the most significant provisions of the new law. As Americans struggle to define a twenty-first century immigration policy, Yale Law Professor Michael J. Wishnie examines the long history of disagreements over immigration measures between the federal government and the states (and among the states). The history tells us, Wishnie finds, that many punitive state laws are likely to be struck down by the courts. But, the local conflicts themselves will likely pressure Congress to reform the U.S.'s antiquated immigration statutes.
To read Mike's piece, click here.
News from Vince Jordan
David Pollay's New Book
Should we nominate our class?
Here is the original letter from AYA:
Dear Yale Volunteer:
We know that you work very hard for Yale, and on behalf of Yale. Thank you!
Since the implementation of the AYA Strategic Plan in 2007, volunteers everywhere have been engaging alumni in new and innovative ways. Many of our classes, clubs, SIGs, and G&P schools have engaged in strategic planning processes themselves, and – with new programs like Feb Club, the Global Day of Service, the Women at Yale Celebration, to name but just a few – there are more alumni doing more things than ever before. Many of these new programs and activities are “out of the box,” and are models for innovation and alumni involvement.
It is time for the AYA to recognize the accomplishments of our many alumni groups. At the AYA Assembly this November 10, 11 and 12, the AYA Board of Governors would like to recognize those clubs, classes, SIGs, and G&P programs that exhibit excellence in what they do and accomplish.
Attached you will find a description of the new AYA Awards for Excellence and a nomination form. In short, we would like you to nominate an alumni organization with which you are familiar. The awards will be vetted by the Program Committee of the AYA Board using the evaluation criteria described in the attached guidelines. There are awards in five major categories, including Classes, Clubs, SIGs, G&P, and overall programming.
If you think an organization should be recognized – and the time, energy and efforts of the volunteers making it the successful organization that it is – then please send in a nomination right away! Please fill it out! And send it back via email to Jenny Chavira at or snail mail to:
Jenny Chavira
Director of Volunteer Engagement
Association of Yale Alumni
PO Box 209010
New Haven, CT 06520-9010
The deadline for nominations is November 1. Awards will be announced November 6 and presented at the AYA Assembly. If you have questions please email Jenny, or give her a call at (203) 436-3574.
We look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for all that you do!
Mark R. Dollhopf ’77
Executive Director
Association of Yale Alumni
1201 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 432-1941
Life got in the way
And then there is work. It has been, thankfully, been busy. Part of the business took me to LA, where I was able to catch up with Steve Atlee, Ethan Goldstine, and Matt Sloan during my 20 hour sojourn on the west coast. All three of them looked great and are doing well.
So, tonight is a night to catch up. Next week, I am off to do an arbitration. Hopefully, after that, things will calm down a bit and I will have time for my family, the blog, the holidays and, of course, Feb Club.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Abigail Pogrebin: I've Drunk The Koolaid: Gratitude Works. - Cinema News
Abigail Pogrebin’s recent piece is right in keeping with some of the other work done by classmates (e.g., David Pollay). Click below to hear what Abigail has to say.
Abigail Pogrebin: I've Drunk The Koolaid: Gratitude Works. - Cinema News
U.S. Urges Stem-Cell Funding Stay by Appeals Court - BusinessWeek
Classmate Brett Kavanaugh is a noted jurist on the D.C. Court of Appeals. He is presiding over a high-profile stem-cell funding case right now. It will certainly be interesting to see how he rules.
U.S. Urges Stem-Cell Funding Stay by Appeals Court - BusinessWeek
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What did you do for your summer vacation?
Team Harkness spent much of the summer on the water. We visited Northern Michigan and swam in lakes both big and small. We also marched in the Johannesburg (Michigan) July 4th parade and, later in the summer, some of us visited the livestock exhibit at the County Fair. It was a big change of pace from Connecticut. When not in the North, we visited the South, spending a relaxing sojourn in Charleston and Hilton Head, South Carolina. Lisa also made it to Europe for business, and took our oldest daughter with her. They were able to visit Paris and Cambridge, England -- so our daughter was able to get a taste of French cuisine and the working world, all on the same trip.
So, what did you do?
NYC Class Lunch Rescheduled Until Next Week
The next Class of 1987 (1986, 1988 and 1989) Lunch at the Yale Club will be next Thursday, September 16 from 12:30 to 2 in the Tap Room (3rd Floor).
The Yale Club is located at 44th Street and Vanderbilt.
As always, the lunch will consist of the Tap Room's buffet, non-alcoholic beverage and coffee. The cost is only $25. Members can sign for the lunch and all others can pay by check payable to "The Yale Club of New York City."
Monday, September 6, 2010
Chicago Canal to Close During Week After Labor Day | Journal of Commerce
What in the world, you might be asking, does this have to do with the Class of 1987? Why should I care about carp in Chicago?
Well, for one, yours truly is a Michigan native and is deeply concerned about the infiltration of non-indigenous carp in the Great Lakes. Why Chicago can’t reverse the flow of its river is beyond me. Really.
More importantly, it turns out that classmate Bob Dow is the judge who is going to hear the carp case, starting tomorrow. Good luck, Bob, with what will be an interesting and hotly contested case.
Chicago Canal to Close During Week After Labor Day | Journal of Commerce
Underwear Artist Natasha Zupan Empties Her Drawers After 10 Years
I did not make this up. Classmate Natasha Zupan is a serious (and talented) artist. If you’d like to read about her underwear, you should click on the link below.
Underwear Artist Natasha Zupan Empties Her Drawers After 10 Years
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Hammer Speaks
Classmate David Todd is my hero. Seriously. He is now a sports radio personality in Pittsburgh and he writes a terrific blog devoted to sports. I enjoy his commentary and think that David’s new direction is exciting.
With the internet, you can listen to David wherever you live: Just click here.
Monday, July 26, 2010
How Avi Weiss’s Ordainment of the First Woman in Orthodox Judaism Sparked an Outrage -- New York Magazine
Abigail Pogrebin recently ran a thought-provoking piece in New York Magazine. Click below to read more . . .
Tamar Gendler discusses her work on Percontations: Beliefs, Aliefs, and Daydreams
We find classmate Tamar Gendler was recently on a blog/tv broadcast discussing some of her work. In her video, she addresses a number of questions:
Why do heights frighten us even when we know we’re safe?
Bringing your reasoned commitments in line with your passions
The strange pleasures of sitcoms, porn, and horror movies
Are video games morally corrosive?
The fine line between pretense and reality
An interesting discussion of her work. Take a listen if you’d like to hear about Tamar’s work and how it might impact your every day life.
Baltimore names new health commissioner -
Classmate Oxiris Barbot was recently appointed to a big new job in Baltimore. For the past seven years, she has served as the medical director of New York City's Office of School Health, a program run jointly by the health and education departments.
Thanks to Nicky Grist for passing this along. It is great to classmate updates like this!
Books | Video | "Book Lust with Nancy Pearl," featuring Chang-rae Lee | Seattle Times Newspaper
Classmate Chang Rae Lee was recently featured in Seattle. Click below to hear what he has to say about his newest book.
Books | Video | "Book Lust with Nancy Pearl," featuring Chang-rae Lee | Seattle Times Newspaper
Family Matters - Married, but Sleeping Alone -
No, this is not about me. It is interesting, though. Classmate Bruce Feiler’s article about the sleeping habits of married couples, thankfully, does not discuss my snoring, the odds that some (or all) of our children will visit during any given night of (attempted) sleep, or my sometimes very amusing (and sometimes not very amusing at all) habit of sleepwalking.
Bruce’s article reminded me of a conversation we had recently at a class lunch in New York. One lunch participant was discussing vows of celibacy, while another was discussing marriage. A third assumed they were talking to each other and wondered allowed if marriage involving children had some implicit vow of quasi-celibacy baked into it. Perhaps that’s another article of Bruce to consider . . . along with my post some months ago about stealth sex.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Retail TouchPoints: New Research Shows Online Shoppers Expect Personalized Merchandising - Lisa Bradner's RetailWire Blog
Lisa Bradner has some interesting views about marketing, which she has been kind enough to share. Please click below to check out what Lisa has been up to.
Closing Time? After 76 Years, Rudy's Moves Up | New Haven Independent
For some, Rudy’s has some fond memories. That swanky establishment, I am sad to say, is cleaning up its act and moving. For those who frequented the Rude Bar and remember it fondly, click below and read on . . .
Yale on Martha’s Vineyard – August 21, 2010
Please join the Yale family for our “Yale Day in the Sun on Martha’s Vineyard.” Enjoy an afternoon of intellectual stimulation, reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. The afternoon begins with lectures from two of our esteemed Yale colleagues, Master Jonathan Holloway, Professor of History, African American Studies and American Studies presenting, “The Right Kind of People: The Silences in a Civil Rights Narrative.” And Omer Bajwa, Coordinator of Muslim Life at Yale presenting, “Muslim Life at Yale and Beyond: Engaging the Sacred & the Secular.” Then have fun in the sun with a cocktail reception.
Where: Harbor View Hotel & Resort
131 North Water Street
Edgartown, Massachusetts 02539
1:00PM - “The Right Kind of People: The Silences in a Civil Rights Narrative” - Master Jonathan Holloway, Professor of History, African American Studies and American Studies
2:00PM - “Muslim Life at Yale and Beyond: Engaging the Sacred & the Secular” - Omer Bajwa, Coordinator of Muslim Life at Yale
3:00PM – 5:00PM – Cocktail Reception
Cost: $35
Click below for more details.
Feinerman confirmed for Chicago based federal judgeship - Lynn Sweet
Classmate Gary Feinerman has been confirmed by the US Senate to join Classmate Bob Dow as a member of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Congratulations, Gary!
Now, we need to get a few more Chicago-based classmates to get appointed to the Federal Bench in Illinois and we can have a Class of 1987 District.
In all seriousness, it is quite an accomplishment to have two classmates sit on the same bench. Because they are Article III judges, Gary and Bob could be dispensing justice together for many, many, many years to come.
Feinerman confirmed for Chicago based federal judgeship - Lynn Sweet
New York City: 5 best July values include a reading from Classmate Jane Mendelsohn
Budget Travel magazine is highlighting some great things to do in New York City this summer. One of those things is checking out our classmate, Jane Mendelsohn.
Actors and authors at Bryant Park
Break for lunch and a dose of culture at this midtown Manhattan park. Thursdays feature Broadway stars—from In the Heights, Wicked, South Pacific, and more crowd-pleasers—on the lawn's center stage, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The Word for Word series on Wednesdays puts the spotlight on author readings, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. The FUNny Writers event on July 14 brings together Sloane Crosley, Tom Shillue, Larry Doyle, Josh Kilmer-Purcell, and Simon Rich. Catch Jennifer Egan and Jane Mendelsohn on July 7, Sebastian Junger on July 14, and Gary Shteyngart on July 28. Between 40th and 42nd Sts., Fifth and Sixth Aves.
For those of you who could not make this talk, you can view it here:
A conversation with Jennifer Egan and Jane Mendelsohn, hosted by Liz Moore. from Tottenville Review on Vimeo.
New York City: 5 best July values - This Just In - Budget Travel
I received a heads up about what classmate Jim Hicks has been up to. Jim previously published "50 Signs of Mental Illness" and is now writing another book, called "Flexuality," whose aim is to open up discussion about, and present the scientific evidence for, wide-spread bisexual attractions and behavior, mostly among men and women who otherwise think of themselves as straight. In conjunction with the book, Jim started a blog and created a Flexuality Test, which you can take on line. The test is anonymous and takes about 10-15 mins. to complete.
So are you ambisexual? Heteroflexible? Metamorphic? Supersexual? Queer? Straight? or, something else altogether?
Check out Jim’s text and find out at <>
Jim’s blog is <>
(There’s a separate blog (Flexuality X) which has information that should be viewed only by adults, not at the office or with children around.)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Family Matters - Turn Right, My Love -
This absolutely cracked me up. We have two GPS systems – one in our minivan and one in our Buick. The minivan voice is a bit relaxed. Actually, more than a bit relaxed. It sounds like she is about to say “Go down the road a bit. I am going to take a nap. Wake me up when you see the Dunkin’ Donuts.” Our Buick is the opposite – she is demanding and a bit of a task master. And, she is frequently wrong. So, we end up arguing. It’s like what I imagine a bad marriage might be.
So, if this sounds familiar, please check out Bruce Feiler’s New York Times piece. (Bruce has been busy lately.)
A Man of the Public – Dan Singer
Check out this profile of Dan Singer, which discusses his role as a member of the board of the Public Theater in New York. Great stuff. Who knew that Dan has been ranked as one of the best crossword puzzle solvers for the past 8 years. Well done, Dan.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Summer Institute of the Arts
I heard about a new project being sponsored by the Yale Black Alumni Association and the Association of Yale Alumni to be part of an enriching service opportunity this summer and I thought I needed to pass it on. We have so many creative people in our class, there might well be interest in checking out what looks to be a fabulous program.
Register today to join fellow alumni and friends in providing arts programming to middle school students in the Bronx, NY, many of which have never had the benefit of music classes in their schools.
They need volunteers to:
Mentor -- Provide guidance and support throughout the day to students who may need extra help with the curriculum or who just need a positive influence.
Provide and/or Assist with Creative Workshops -- Are you an instrumentalist, singer, dancer, actor or all of the above? Do you have a creative workshop topic that might be a fit for 6th grade students? Please let us know as we are developing afternoon workshops led by Yale alumni to enrich the morning curriculum.
Field Trips/Chaperone -- Do you have ties to an arts organization, theater or museum that would welcome middle school students?
And if you just want to give back to your community, whether you are a concert violinist or don't know a whole note from a half note or the color blue from cerulean -- we need you! This is an opportunity to volunteer in the summer and maintain your mentoring connection with students throughout the year.
Click below to learn more. It looks like a fantastic project that is well worth our support.
Jane Mendelsohn Has a New Book
Classmate Jane Mendelsohn, author and New Yorker, has a new book – American Music – which was just recently released. The Washington Post wrote a very favorable review, describing Jane as a “captivating storyteller.” You can click the link below to learn more about Jane and her book.
If you're near NYC, you can hear Jane discuss her new book on July 7 near Bryant Park. Click here for details.
Wall Street Can't Beat Its Nemesis at Treasury - BusinessWeek
And, it appears, that Wall Street’s nemesis is Yale Class of 1987 member, Michael Barr. This is a really interesting read about a classmate who has been at the center of reshaping the future of the American financial system.
Wall Street Can't Beat Its Nemesis at Treasury - BusinessWeek
This column will change your life: From alief to belief
Classmate Tamar Gendler is a Yale professor, as many of you know. She has also been busy writing a new book, which is entitled “Intuition, Imagination, and Philosophical Methodology” and which comes out this fall, and was recently featured in the Guardian, in an article you can read by clicking on the link below. (Tamar has also discussed the morality of video games.
Tamar is also involved in a philosophical project called Experiment Month, which encourages philosophers to develop and submits original ideas for new experimental studies.
Tamar, beginning in July, will also have the honor of being the first Yale alumna to be the chair of a Yale Department, when she takes the job of chairing the Yale Philosophy Department. Congratulations, Tamar!
This column will change your life: From alief to belief Life and style The Guardian
Congrats to two award-winning Discover Mag bloggers . . . one from the Yale Class of 1987! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Classmate Carl Zimmer was recently recognized as one of the top science bloggers around. Well done Carl!
Congrats to two award-winning Discover Mag bloggers! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Science can't prove fathers matter. That doesn't mean we don't.
Happy Father’s Day. Bruce Feiler wrote a Father’s Day piece in today’s Washington Post that I thought I would pass along.
Science can't prove fathers matter. That doesn't mean we don't.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Robin Pogrebin's Podcast with Nancy Pelosi
Classmate Robin Pogrebin sat down recently and spoke to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. If you click on the link above, you can listen to their New York Times podcast.
If I die, who will teach my daughters? -
CNN featured classmate Bruce Feiler in a piece concerning his most recent book, Council of Dads. As Father’s Day is tomorrow, I thought I would post this so that the parents in our class can reflect on Bruce’s story.
If I die, who will teach my daughters? -
Bruce is also featured on the Huffington Post, in a nice piece that includes a video of Bruce. Click here to see the HuffPo piece.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father’s Day Weird Science
Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads in our class. Classmate Dante Centouri was on TV this morning with some Extreme Science in celebration of Father’s Day. Pretty amusing. I particularly like the tie-dyed lab coat with matching glasses.
Obscure But Powerful Agency Gets New Leader . . . from the Yale Class of 1987
Classmate Suzanne Beddoe has now joined the ranks of the obscure but powerful. She was appointed by Mayor Bloomberg to an important post as chief administrative law judge of a New York City tribunal that holds hearings on cases brought by city agencies. Judge Beddoe is the fourth classmate I know of who has been named to the bench. Congratulations Suzanne!
Obscure But Powerful Agency Gets New Leader - City Room Blog -
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Are You Ready to Publish Your Novel? - Paper Cuts Blog -
This year seems to be a most prolific one for our class. Novel after novel from Y87 classmates are filling the shelves. So, I thought those of you still working on your novels might find this interesting, particularly given the shout out the article gives to our very own Claire Messud.
Are You Ready to Publish Your Novel? - Paper Cuts Blog -
Op-Ed Contributor - The ‘Learning Knights’ of Bell Telephone -
This particular article really has nothing to do with our class at all. But, I thought it was an interesting story, so I thought I would pass it on.
Op-Ed Contributor - The ‘Learning Knights’ of Bell Telephone -
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I turned 45 last month. I have not dwelled too much on my last 20 or so birthdays. For some reason, though, this one got to me a little.
I started my birthday week by going to Detroit, where I grew up. That Monday afternoon, I learned that I will be recognized this fall for my place in the legal profession. I really wanted to call my Mom to tell her about it. She had wanted me to be a lawyer when I graduated from college. I needed to come to it myself, I guess. It took me five years to admit she had been right. I couldn't call my Mom, though, because she passed away a few years ago. She would have been so proud. I missed her.
That night, I had dinner with my Dad and my sister at one of the restaurants we used to go to when we were little. We joked about old times, remembered my Mom and my brother, and shared some laughs as we traded imitations of Ernie Harwell, the long time radio announcer for the Detroit Tigers. We used to listen to the Tigers together all the time; he was a big part of the soundtrack of my youth. After dinner, we visited our old neighborhood in downtown Detroit and then went out for a beer at one of my Dad's old haunts that I had always been too young to enter -- amidst a flood of fond memories of very good times I had long forgotten about.
The next day, my birthday, we attended the lunch I had flown to Detroit for - my father was among a group being honored for 50 years of service as members of the Michigan bar. This group of 40 or so men and women had been admitted to practice law in 1960. Over lunch, they looked back on their careers - and their lives – and discussed how the world had changed and what they had accomplished. Some boasted of awards they had won or honors they had received, but most seemed proudest of injustices (both large and small) they had corrected, or clients they had helped. There were some there, my father included, who had been politically active in Detroit in the 1960s. As the speakers discussed what positive change this group had seen in society, and as I heard about the positive changes many of them had helped bring about, I was humbled. Surprisingly for me, very few of them seemed interested in leaving the practice any time soon. (One judge, forced to retire due to age, had become a criminal defense attorney after decades on the bench.) I was left to wonder whether the instinct to stay involved was why this particular group was still vibrant and engaged 50 years into their careers.
The next morning I awoke to news that Ernie Harwell, the old Tiger announcer we had been talking about earlier in the week, had died. A friend pointed out a YouTube link that had Ernie's farewell broadcast on it. I used to think Ernie was the smartest guy alive. When a foul ball went into the stands, he would explain that it was caught by "a young man from Saginaw" or a "grandmother from Escanaba.". I was always impressed that he knew where everyone in Tiger Stadium lived. When I listened to his farewell broadcast, I was once again impressed with Ernie Harwell - because he approached his life with dedication and humility. As he looked back, he was able to say that he had been "blessed with a great journey."
So, I ended my birthday week reflecting on where life's journey has taken me thus far, and wondering where I would like life's journey to take me next. And, I have reflected on what I would like to be able to say when it is all said and done. If I am lucky enough to celebrate my 50th year as a lawyer, what injustice will I be able to say I have corrected? What positive social change will I have contributed to making possible? And, will my children be able to look back as fondly on their childhoods as I look back on mine?
I guess these are the sorts of things many of us are thinking about as we hit middle age. (There, I said it – we’re middle aged.) What have you been thinking about?
Classmate Kevin Berlin and his Art
I received an e-mail the other day inviting me to an art show. Now, the last few art shows I’ve attended were wonderful . . . and involved the use of macaroni and bendy straws, among other media. The truth is, I spend a lot more time doing art projects with our kids than I do at art galleries. (You should see the amazing tie dye shirts that Lisa and I made with the kids the other day!) So, I was not quite sure why I was getting this invitation. Then I read a little bit about the show, and it turns out that the artist is the Class of 1987’s own Kevin Berlin.
Touring his website – – you will see that Kevin is prolific. He has two shows in July at RVS Fine Art in Southampton, New York. If you are out that way, or are interested in Kevin’s work, you should check it out.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A new book from Joanne Lessner

Joanne Lessner writes in with some exciting news . . . she has joined the ranks of published Class of ‘87 authors. Her novel, PANDORA’S BOTTLE, is just out from Flint Mine Press.
The book is about a wine-loving financier who spends half a million dollars on a bottle of wine once owned by Thomas Jefferson that, through a quirk of preservation, might still be drinkable – and the waiter serving him drops it! We see how that event affects the financier, the woman he’s trying to impress, the owner of the restaurant, and the waiter, who is also a struggling actor. Joanne's story was inspired by an actual event that took place twenty years ago at the Four Seasons, only the way Joanne heard it, all the assembled wine aficionados dove to the floor and started licking the wine up off the carpet! That, apparently, was hearsay, but Joanne thought it was a hilarious image and it was what really hooked her on the idea.
It’s a small initial run, and right now, the book is availble online at, and Barnes & Noble online and through direct BN store order. Should be in the stores soon, and Joanne is doing a bunch of book signings this summer at wineries in the Hudson Valley, where part of the book takes place. She’ll probably do a launch party/signing in Manhattan in the fall . . . so stay tuned!
For more about Joanne and what she's been up to, you can visit her website at
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Missing e-mails from our class
Mr. Alan C. Lo |
Mr. Ned Lochaya |
Ms. Asusena Lopez |
Ms. Jennifer Lundal Humayun |
Ms. Sarah I. Lynch |
Mr. Andrew J. MacGinnitie |
Mr. Christopher J. Mader |
Mr. Attila Mady |
Ms. Susan T. Mahler |
Ms. Andrea S. Majka |
Ms. Katherine M. Malin |
Mr. Rolando O. Marcelo |
Ms. Lisa G. Margonelli |
Mr. Russell C. Martin |
Mr. D. Dean Mason, Jr. |
Ms. Catherine Andrea Massey |
Mr. Stefan N. Mattessich |
Mr. Lewis J. Mays |
Ms. Joan M. McCabe |
Ms. Deborah McCann |
Rev. Gerard H. McCarren |
Ms. Lisa R. McClain |
Mr. David L. McIntosh |
Mr. Robert McMillan, Jr. |
Mr. Winter K. Mead |
Mr. Charles H. Melcher |
Ms. Marlane E. Melican |
Ms. Gillian E. Metzger |
Mr. John M. Miles |
Mr. Hugh Millard |
Mr. Robert E. Minahan, M.D. |
Mr. Oscar M. Molina |
Ms. Esther Y. Moon |
Ms. Rebecca L. Morgan |
Mr. David D. Myerson |
Ms. Priscilla A. Narvaez |
Josephine T. Nguyen, M.D. |
Mr. James P. Norum |
Mr. Christopher G. Nugent |
Ms. Alice M. O'Brien |
Dr. William K. Oh |
Dr. Maureen A. O'Leary |
Mr. John J. Olshefski III |
Mr. Paul T. Ormseth |
Mr. Howe Ortiz |
Mrs. Tracy Burke Ostrov |
Mr. Wayne P. Pacelle |
Ms. Suzanne Aimee Paret |
Mr. Yuh-Chung Park |
Anthony G. Patt, Esq. |
Ms. Sara L. Paulson |
Ms. Margo Pave |
Ms. Alisa Rubin Peled |
Mr. David A. Penney |
Ms. Thea M. Petchler |
Mr. N. Anthony J. Pillai |
Ms. Andrea J. Pincus |
Mr. Jack W. Pirozzolo |
Mr. John F. Pleasants |
Ms. Robin J. Pogrebin |
Mr. John G. Pogue |
Ms. Carmen Cavazos Pratt |
Ms. Rachel E. Pray |
Ms. Michelle D. Quash |
Ms. Rosalinda Ramirez |
Ms. Vernadette Ramirez |
Ms. Katherine E. Ramsey |
Mr. Philippe J. Rapaccioli |
Ms. Jacqueline B. Raphael |
Mr. Joseph D. Reed |
Mr. Edward C. Reifenstein, IV |
Ms. Mary Schulze Reisinger |
Mr. Nathaniel Resnikoff |
Mr. Edoardo D. Reviglio |
Mr. Thomas P. Rielly |
Ms. Rita Rique Pearson |
Lourdes A. Rivera, Esq. |
Ms. Leslie R. Roberts |
Ms. Jenny M. Roberts |
Mr. Ralph Rodriguez, Jr. |
Mr. Marc E. Romano |
Ms. Cynara L. Root |
Mr. Alain Roy |
Mr. Errol C. Rubenstein |
Mr. Martin H. Rubio |
Kathryn M. Ryder, M.D. |
Ms. Rosa M. Sabater |
Mr. Ira N. Sachs |
Thomas A. Saenz |
Charles H. Salem, M.D. |
Mr. Bachar M. Samawi |
Mr. Cameron H. Sanders III |
Ms. Kelly Ashton Sant Albano |
Ms. Suzanne Scheld |
Mr. William E. Scheuerman |
Ms. Kristen B. Schleifer |
Mr. Daniel O. Schmitt |
Rabbi Julie Schonfeld |
Ms. Gabrielle A. Schuerman |
Ms. Catherine Schulman Allyn |
Mr. Devin R. Scruton |
Dr. Mark A. Severtson |
Mr. Douglas S. Shabaz |
Ms. Varda Shapiro |
Mr. Scott A. Sherer |
Mr. Arloc Sherman |
Mr. Robert F. Sherry |
Mr. Ryan B. Shiotani |
Ms. Laura Sices |
Ms. Nancy Silk |
Ms. Joan M. Silverstein |
Mr. Douglas A. Simmons |
Mr. Clarence C. Simpson III |
Mr. Matthew A. Singer |
Mr. Matthew E. Sloan |
Mr. David A. Somers |
Ms. Catherine M. Spain |
Ms. Julie R. Spooner |
Ms. Victoria Allen Stainsby |
Ms. Dahlia S. Stein |
Ms. Katharina Wolff Stern |
Ms. Stacey A. Suecoff |
# 231 in the list of things you can do with a Yale Physics degree
It turns out that Dante Centouri no longer has blue hair, but he is still into science. He is now Director of Creative Productions at the Great Lakes Science Center and is a frequent guest on tv shows in Ohio. He is one heck of an entertaining scientist, I have to say.
Here are some clips you should definitely watch. They made me laugh. Click here to watch Dante smash frozen roses, or here to see him crush an oil drum.
As one of the reporters said: "It wouldn't be Dante, if we didn't blow something up."
These are really heart warming videos, because they remind each and every one of us of a fundamental truth: we live in a country where a blue-haired, nose-flute playing comedian can apply his love of science for the greater good.
Please Join Us At Our NYC Class Lunches
Monday, May 31, 2010
Poll: Dudley and Kitzhaber in dead heat - Portland Business Journal
Classmate Chris Dudley, having won the Republican nomination for Governor in Oregon, is now in a pitched battle for the election this November. For those interested in learning more about Chris’ candidacy, you can visit his website at
Poll: Dudley and Kitzhaber in dead heat - Portland Business Journal
Family Matters - The Godparent Trap -
Bruce Feiler – who has a new book, The Council of Dads, is something very much worth checking out – wrote an interesting article in this weekend’s New York Times. An interesting read . . .
Abigail Pogrebin: Jews in the White House
I came across this interesting piece by classmate Abigail Pogrebin and thought I would share it.
Friday, May 28, 2010
A Classmate's New Blog -- The Lunch Tray
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Matt Meade and Bert Hazlett Swim at Masters National Championships
The fact that the two of them qualified for the national championship is impressive enough. But, they also swam very, very well. Matt placed third in the 1,650 (the swimming version of the mile) in a time that looked pretty impressive to me. Bert placed 5th in the 50 free in a time that was close to his best in college. They both swam a number of other races, too. Wow.
Now, the question is whether the Class of 1987 can get enough swimmers back in the pool to have a relay team at next year's meet.
Well done, swimmers!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Advantage Capital Announces Addition of Classmate Jonathan Goldstein
ST. LOUIS, May 5, 2010-Advantage Capital Partners, a leading venture capital and small business finance firm, is proud to announce the addition of a new Managing Director who is a nationally recognized expert in the field of tax incentive investing. In addition, the firm is pleased to note the internal promotions of several outstanding staff members.
New Managing Director Jonathan I. Goldstein will be assisting with the structuring and closing of Advantage Capital's New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) transactions and developing the firm's business opportunities in other areas. Mr. Goldstein comes to the firm from McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS), where he served as Senior Vice President. At MBS, he oversaw the Project Finance group, which structures the various commercial, governmental and community funding sources that support each development. Mr. Goldstein was also responsible for overseeing the firm's NMTC practice, including $210 million in allocations from the U.S. Treasury. He is the founder and served as the President of Sunwheel Energy Partners, a spin-off firm specializing in solar energy programs for community partners, including affordable housing, civic and educational institutions. Prior to working at MBS and Sunwheel Energy Partners, Mr. Goldstein helped found Taproot Ventures, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm, where he sourced and structured investments in technology companies. He began his career as an attorney, clerking for a federal appellate judge and serving as an Assistant U.S. Attorney with the Justice Department. Mr. Goldstein holds a B.A. from Yale University, and he serves as an Adjunct Professor at Washington University School of Law, from which he graduated first in his class. He will be working out of Advantage Capital's St. Louis office.
"Jonathan Goldstein is a nationally recognized expert in New Markets Tax Credit deal structuring and financing," said Advantage Capital Senior Managing Director Scott Zajac. "He will be an incredible addition to our team, and will increase our capacity to make a significant community impact with our investments."
About Advantage Capital Partners
Advantage Capital Partners is a leading venture capital and small business finance firm focused on providing growth capital and other investments supporting state and local economic development efforts. The firm's typical forms of investment include early stage, expansion equity, mezzanine financing, senior and subordinated loans and government-guaranteed lending. With offices and partners in New Orleans, St. Louis, Austin and other U.S. cities, Advantage has raised more than $1.3 billion in institutional capital since 1992 and invested in companies located in geographic areas under served by traditional capital.
Yale Day of Service
One classmate, Darcy Troy Pollock, kicked things off a bit early, with a project she spearheaded on May 2, when Yale alums joined forces with Big Sunday volunteers and P.S. Arts to create an arts fair for the students of Will Rogers Elementary, a Title One public school. Some 100 students enjoyed making sock puppets, painting rocks, creating mobiles, getting their faces painted and much more. It was a big boost for these children, who recently lost a beloved principal, and an incredibly fund day for all! (P.S. Arts ia a non-profit organization dedicated to improving children's lives by restoring arts education to underserved public schools.)
I would love to hear how people got involved on the Yale Day of Service.
Jackie Horne Releases New Book
Click here for more information.
ACLU Announces James Esseks As Director Of ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & AIDS Project
The ACLU has announced that classmate James Esseks has been promoted to be the Director of the ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & AIDS Project. Congratulations James!
'I want to imagine the SA of my dreams' - Times LIVE
Classmate Mark Gevisser wrote this very interesting piece recently. I thought I would pass it on.
Liddy Manson Launches
BeClose, was launched in November, 2009, in an effort to take proven technology and put it to use for the millions of boomers who are caring for elderly or disabled family members. The BeClose product is designed on the backbone of a security technology that is up and running in 250,000 US homes. Our system uses discreet, wireless sensors that are designed to monitor activities of daily life and are placed throughout the home. The sensors communicate to a web site which hosts a dashboard showing what’s been going on in the home – bed times, night time wakefulness, meal frequency, comings and goings, bathroom use, etc. In addition, our system can be customized to send alerts to a phone or wireless device should something be out of the ordinary – a missed meal or medicine dosage, an unusually early bedtime or long afternoon nap. The system costs $79 per month and is probably a great solution for many of our classmates who have parents aging alone at home.
The Poacher's Son
Katharine Beals Speaking at Yale Club of New York About Her New Book
Event: Book Talk at the Yale Club of New York
Start Time: Wednesday, June 9 at 6:30pm
End Time: Wednesday, June 9 at 7:30pm
Where: 50 Vanderbilt Avenue
The topic will be Katharine's latest book, "Raising a Left-Brain Child in a Right-Brain World." For more details about the book, visit Katharine's website at
Chris Dudley Wins Oregon Primary
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Paul Doiron's "The Poacher's Son" Listed as One of Best Crime Novels of 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A word about Yale Day of Service from Nicky Grist
For last year's "day" I spent a couple hours at Street Wise Partners ( ). I was so impressed that I volunteered for another evening, and then weekly for two semesters.
In brief, it's an intensive mentoring program for low-income job seekers. Many of the job-seekers are educated and skilled but have obstacles such as spotty work histories, recent (legal) arrival in the U.S., intense shyness, etc.
Because of the program's origins on Wall Street and in social networks, the mentors are overwhelmingly 20-somethings who work in Finance. In my opinion, the program could use some more diversity among its mentors, and our class has some to offer. Any classmates who are curious and want to know more before signing up can contact me at
Chang-rae Lee on writing
Saturday, April 24, 2010
University of Toledo to honor classmate Charlene Gilbert
The University of Toledo chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi will hold its initiation ceremony for new members Sunday, April 25. In addition to the undergraduate and graduate students who will be inducted into the honor society, the Class of 1987’s Charlene Gilbert, director of the Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women and professor of women’s and gender studies will be inducted.
Charlene is a tenured full professor in Women's and Gender Studies and Theater and Film. For the past 16 years Gilbert has been an independent documentary filmaker, teacher and scholar. She is national producer for public television and her current projects include an experimental media project on Henrietta Lacks, the HeLa Cells and Bioethics. Her current research interests are focused on Race, Gender and the Media in US national elections, Cyber Communities and Constructions of Gender and Transgender Identities in Popular Media.
As an independent documentary filmmaker, Charlene Gilbert has produced two award-winning feature documentaries and several short non-ficiton films. Her first feature documentary film, Homecoming Sometimes I am Haunted by Memories of Red Dirt and Clay, (click here for more on this film) premiered nationally on PBS and won several national awards include the NBPC (1999) and Paul Robeson (2000) Awards for Best Documentary. Ms. Gilbert also co-authord, with Quinn Eli, a companion book to the file entitled Homecoming: The Story of African American Farmers published by Beacon Press. Her documentary, Children Will Listen, (click here for more on this documentary) which followed children from DC public schools engaged in a year long theater arts project, premiered at the 2004 AFI Silverdocs Documentary Festival and had its national primtime PBS broadcast premiere in the fall of 2004. Her films and videos have been screened in numerous international and national festivals including: The Women in the Director's Chair Festival, the Chicago International Television Festival, FESPACO, the Athens International Film and Video Festival and the Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema.
In addition, Gilbert has presented papers, lectures and participated in roundtable discussions at the American Studies Association, the Society of Cinema Studies, The National Women's Studies Conference, the University Film and Video Association and numerous of other conferences throughout the U.S. Gilbert is also a sought after lecturer who has been invited to give talks at Duke University, Columbia University, Clemson University, SUNY Buffalo, Purdue University and The University of Milwaukee. Gilbert is also the receipient of several awards and fellowships including the Rockefeller Media Fellowship, Harvard University's Bunting Fellowship, and the Kellogg National Leadership Fellowship award.
UT News » UT chapter of Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi to initiate new members
Friday, April 23, 2010
We're missing some more e-mails
We are trying to track down some classmates. Most of our communications now are via e-mail, but we don't have e-mail address for many classmates.
Below is another list of some of the classmates for whom we don't have up-to-date e-mail addresses. (We have another list below.) We would appreciate if you could help us track these folks down:
Ms. Jane E. Dailey
Mr. Michael D. Daneker
Ms. Gayle C. Dargan
Ms. Jane M. Davis
Mr. Thomas P. Dea
Mr. Nicholas A. Debs
Mr. Gregory B. Dember
Ms. Marsha Den
Mr. Michael B. Denzel
Mr. Lucas T. Dietrich
Ms. Susan E. Dings
Mr. Luke T. Dokla
Ms. Elise M. Doran
Ms. Cynthia Drake
Mr. Francis P. Du Vinage
Mr. Erastus C. Dudley
Dr. Deirdre Ann Duffy
Mr. Elia J. Duh
Mr. Charles B. Dull
Ms. Susan W. Dykeman
Mr. Brian D. Dynlacht
Mr. Stephen J. Elliott
Ms. Elmina L. Emery
Mr. John W. Englander
Mr. Matthew A. Etter
Mr. Bruce M. Evans
Ms. Caroline D. Ewing
Mr. Dino B. Ewing
Ms. Diane M. Fairfax
Ms. Margaret Falk Lipscomb
Mr. John A. Farmer, Jr.
Mr. Joshua R. Feigon
Mr. Daniel R. Feikin
Ms. Maria E. Fernandez-Gimenez
Mrs. Margaret K. Fischer
Ms. Sarah A. Fishman
Dr. Andrew J. Flanagin
Mr. John P. Foley
Mr. Stephen B. Folta
Mr. Kevin W. Footer
Mr. Victor A. Forte
Mr. Jonathan L. Frank
Mr. Peter H. Frech
Ms. Jennifer L. Freed
Ms. Elise D. Friedman
Mr. Jonathan M. Friedman
Mr. Samuel Frumkin
Mr. Paul Gallagher
Dr. Ayda Garza-Montalvo
Ms. Elizabeth W. Geary, MD
Mr. Kevin P. Genda
Mr. Mark D. Gevisser
Prof. Charlene D. Gilbert
Mr. Christopher J. Ginocchio
Mr. James A. Gladstone
Donna J. Glassbrenner, Ph.D.
Ms. Faith H. Gleicher
Mr. Charles F. Goldbach, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Goldbeck
Ms. Elizabeth R. Gordon
Mr. Bradley M. Gordon
Ms. Katharine R. Grant
Mr. Steven B. Greene
Mr. Cameron M. Greider
Mr. Peter G. Griffiths
Mr. David D. Grouws
Mr. Adam A. Guettel
Mr. Amin I. Gulgee
Mr. Daniel J. Hafner
Ms. Melissa M. Haizlip
Mr. Harold D. Hall
Ms. Mary E. Hancock
Mr. Martin F. Hansen
Mr. John F. Harter
Mr. Ludger Hentschel
Mr. Drew A. Herman
Mr. Christian M. Herman
Ms. Elizabeth J. Herskovits
Ann Giardina Hess, MD, PhD.
Roderick M. Hills, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Garrick L. Hoadley, Jr.
Mr. Peter S. Hodgson
Mr. James J. Hogan III
Ms. Emily Offner Hollidge
Ms. Mana Ito Holman
Ms. Jennifer E. Hoopes
Ms. Anne L. Hopkins
Dr. Karen H. Horst
Mr. John W. Howard
Ms. Juri Hwang
Dr. Meredith E. Hyde
Ms. Naomi H. Iizuka
Dr. Steven Wai Ing
Ms. Vera M. Irikura
Ms. Isabelle M. Janko
Ms. Eve M. Johanos
Mr. Andreas B. Johns
Mr. Timothy A. Johnston
Mr. Hans C. Jonassen
Ms. Nina A.S. Jones
Mr. Marshall D. Kappele
Mr. Jacob J. Kaufman
Ms. Susan R. Kemball-Cook
Mr. Hugh J. Kennedy
Ms. Nancy A. Kilroy
Mr. Steven K. Kim
Ms. Arlyn S. Kim
Dr. Matthew S. Kimble
Ms. Michele S. Kito
Ms. Chantal B. Klein
Mr. Andrew N. Kleppner
Mr. Stephen L. Kline
Mr. Stephen M. Knight
Ms. Pamela R. Koffler
Ms. Dina H. Kornblau
Mr. Thomas C. Kracz
Andreas K. Kraebber, M.D.
Mr. James M. Kraft
Ms. Britta S. Kramer
Mr. Mark T. Krasberg
Mr. Mark S. Lackley
Mr. Stephen Lakatos
Mr. Paul G. LaMonica
Mr. Daniel H. Lavan
Ms. Susan Lee
Mr. Woo C. Lee
Ms. Abby S. Letcher
Mr. David P. Leve
Ms. Adina S. Levin
Ms. Rachel A. Lichtle
Ms. Helen M. Ligh
Ms. Mona Lim
Mr. Paul A. Lisella
Ms. Sarah M. Liu
Mr. Stephen P. Lloyd