Abigail Pogrebin’s recent piece is right in keeping with some of the other work done by classmates (e.g., David Pollay). Click below to hear what Abigail has to say.
Abigail Pogrebin: I've Drunk The Koolaid: Gratitude Works. - Cinema News
Abigail Pogrebin’s recent piece is right in keeping with some of the other work done by classmates (e.g., David Pollay). Click below to hear what Abigail has to say.
Abigail Pogrebin: I've Drunk The Koolaid: Gratitude Works. - Cinema News
Classmate Brett Kavanaugh is a noted jurist on the D.C. Court of Appeals. He is presiding over a high-profile stem-cell funding case right now. It will certainly be interesting to see how he rules.
U.S. Urges Stem-Cell Funding Stay by Appeals Court - BusinessWeek
What in the world, you might be asking, does this have to do with the Class of 1987? Why should I care about carp in Chicago?
Well, for one, yours truly is a Michigan native and is deeply concerned about the infiltration of non-indigenous carp in the Great Lakes. Why Chicago can’t reverse the flow of its river is beyond me. Really.
More importantly, it turns out that classmate Bob Dow is the judge who is going to hear the carp case, starting tomorrow. Good luck, Bob, with what will be an interesting and hotly contested case.
Chicago Canal to Close During Week After Labor Day | Journal of Commerce
I did not make this up. Classmate Natasha Zupan is a serious (and talented) artist. If you’d like to read about her underwear, you should click on the link below.
Underwear Artist Natasha Zupan Empties Her Drawers After 10 Years