Please pass this note on to other classmates who might not hear the news, and please do share your fond memories of Siobahn.
Here is the notice from today's New York Times.
SHARKEY--Siobhan Sophia. July 3, 1965 - December 18, 2012. Beloved daughter, sister and aunt. Founder of Health Management Strategies, Inc. M.B.A., Wharton 1991; B.A., Yale 1987. Survived by her parents, Robert and Phoebe; siblings, Edward, Catherine and James, sisters-in-law, Jennifer and Ina; nieces, Anne, Elizabeth and Phoebe, and nephews, Frederick and Caleb. Throughout her life and to the end of her heroic battle against cancer, Siobhan uplifted us with her vibrancy, optimism, and compassion. We miss her dearly. A Memorial Mass will be held at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore, MD on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 10am.
Siobhan Sharkey is one of the brighest lights to have graced this earth. She lit up every room she walked into and filled it with her laughter. She is a loving, genuine soul who had the gift of making everyone she encountered feel like her best friend. She will be missed so much by so many.
I am beyond devastated to learn of Siobhan's passing. I knew her years ago, when she was a senior at Roland Park Country School in Baltimore along with Ann Daniels, Heath Foster, Carol Hansen, et al.
I've not seen or spoken to Siobhan since 1984 but I've spent years looking for her, to reconnect with her - only find find tonight (4/20/14) that she fought a brave battle with cancer and sadly, lost that battle.
Siobhan was an amazing, warm, sweet, intelligent, caring, loving woman. I so regret not being able to tell her today how much I appreciated her friendship, warmth and support.
My heart goes out to all of her friends and family. The world needs Siobhan and has suffered a tremendous loss by having her taken from it.
There is no way to convey how I feel at this moment - beyond devastated is the thing that comes to mind.
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